When I was living at college, surrounded by some 250 people 24/7, these times were few and far between. "Marshtime" my neighbour would say as I returned from a day's retreat. Yesterday was "Marshtime" and it has been a while since such a day has occurred.
I've had another couple of weigh-ins since my last entry. I've now put away 5.5kg. I'm feeling good about things, but beginning to realise that it's only going to get tougher. Whenever I'm training and thinking: hey, I'm feeling kind of fit now, some trigger will be set off making me realise I've got a long way to go. Whether that be panting after a long set of stairs, getting absolutely hammered by my personal trainer, or even looking at my paunch in the reflection of a shop window. I'll get there though, I've got resolve.
The other day I received in the mail confirmation of receipt of my scholarship application. My book's taken a backseat for the last month or so as I focus my efforts on winning this thing. I got my application done and posted it off, I find out if I'm shortlisted on the 30th of this month. I don't know what to expect really. I've put a lot of work into the manuscript and think it will one day make a great read. Whether or not it is deserving of editorial accolade and praise is another matter, and I have absolutely zero idea about the competition out there. All I know is that I'm competing with any number of Australians under the age of 30 who can write either fiction or non-fiction. I'd love to get some sort of editorial assistance regardless.
Uni has also taken a backseat, I've just begun the second semester and am getting off to a slow start. I will catch up tomorrow after watching our Socceroos take on Germany in this year's World Cup. It's hard not to get swept away in the excitement and spectacle, and for me I like this event much better than the Olympics. It seems more pure, more on the line, than the bloated extravaganza that features equestrian, badminton and table-tennis.
Another little writing exercise I have to fret over, outside of professional and academic pursuits, is a little ditty for next weekend's cocktail party. Three (;-) good friends are hosting it under the moniker: Erotic Fan Fiction. Some people are expected to contribute, including my good self.
I've got an inkling of what I'm going to write about, Sandra Sully Solo-Session has a nice ring to it I think. Will I be game to post the end-result up here?