Sunday afternoon and I'm sitting here listening to the progressive tunes of Sasha Le Monnier. I got some sets off a friend and haven't been listening to much else since. I'm loving it.
So I missed out on the scholarship I mentioned. The whole process was quite rewarding though in that it put me on the spot. I had to format and edit my manuscript into a presentable form, and also come up with two pages on why I thought it was worthy of being published. While the brief suggested that it wasn't a pitch - it felt like one - so much so that I was enthused enough to go approach some literary agents about my script.
I looked up some Australian agents and came across this site, the Australian Literary Agents Association and emailed a few of the representatives with the contact details supplied. I'm not sure what I was expecting, and knew that it's quite hard to get an agent, but the responses were still pretty discouraging! My favourite response was in reply to my email about my story being one that needs to be told:
“Yes these are stories that need to be told but unfortunately publishers don't. Sorry I can't help.”
A bit of a crash back to reality for this lofty, aspiring author. I'll get there though.
In other news I have a new job! It's all happened rather quickly, but it's exciting all the same. I'll now be moving to another agency as a digital account manager. Back in '06 I wrote about my attempts to get into advertising, and back then I was entertaining the first thoughts of moving to Sydney. Two years later I did move, and two years later I've achieved my goal of becoming an account manager. Now that I've got there I need to move the goalposts! The next big milestone will be international travel - I'm still gunning for Thailand late November and hopefully the new role will allow it - I'm crossing my fingers!
Writing-wise uni has taken over. I'm doing two subjects this semester and proving quite tough. I've dedicated today to get some more done. I'm keeping afloat, it's just my affinity for having fun on the weekend does eat into my study time.
I have to wait quite a while before I start my role thanks to my current job stipulating an eight-week waiting period in the contract. Not to worry though, it will be good to have a protracted send-off from a company I've loved working for before I take the next steps into a new and challenging job.
Thanks for the lovely comments and support on my music!
Sasha Le Monnier [ C.O.U. Muzik / Source Of Gravity] :) x